Friday, May 13, 2011

Terri Blackstock - Intervention Series

I love to read Christian novels that emanate "real-life" issues and situations where Christian characters don't always have pat answers and perfect faith. In reality, Christians are human, too. They are not exempt from turmoil in their lives, and they sometimes do question God.

Terri Blackstock's Intervention Books reveal gut-wrenching true-to-life situations mixed in with fast-paced mystery.
Intervention (Intervention Series, Book 1)

Intervention (Intervention Series, Book 1)

Widowed Barbara Covington tries to raise two teenagers, but her daughter Emily dives into the devastating world of drug addiction.  As they try to intervene, Barbara and her son Lance are drawn into the evil of the drug world, kidnapping, and murder.

Vicious Cycle (Intervention, Book 2)Vicious Cycle (Intervention, Book 2)

Jordan is a drug-addicted teen whose mother manipulates her with drugs and doesn't care about anything or anyone except her next "fix."  As Lance tries to get Jordan to break the vicious cycle of drugs in her family, he finds himself thrust into the horrific world of baby trafficking.  Meanwhile, Emily graduates from rehab and discovers how much courage and determination it will take to keep herself from sliding back into the drug world.

Terri has just finished Downfall, Book 3 in this series, but it won't be released until March of 2012.

Help For Teen Drug Abuse
Help fight teen drug abuse, we provide information to help fight teen drug abuse by prevention, intervention and have a support network for those in need.

What novels have you read that can be of help in tough, real-life situations?


  1. Loved. Both books keep up the great writing

  2. Thank you. If you have other books like these that you love, please feel free to share. :-)

  3. LOVE any Terri Blackstock books. Love reading Christian based fiction with mystery/suspense. I am currently reading "Over the Edge" by Brandilyn Collins. Another awesome Christian mystery/suspense writer. I recommend Terri Blackstock, Brandilyn Collins, Robert Liparulo, Chris Well, Tim Downs and Robert Whitlow to name a few of my favorites.

  4. Thanks so much for sharing. I have heard of some of these authors but not all of them. I plan to check them out. :-)
